Sunday, May 22, 2011

Next song

The next song I will post will be a jazzy piece... pretty cool.. huh!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Old Patriot Song

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Ok! Well.  This is the Patriot song.  Now really....this is EASY STUFF!!!! don't expect this to be the best.... this probably one of my most simplistic pieces.  Enjoy!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Well Here we Go!

Hi.  Im the PianoMan, or Paul.  I am going to be uploading free sheet music to my blog for people who want a good song to play.  On youtube, I am 2gigs2ful.  It will be a while till I get some good songs up here.  If you give me your email, I will send you each new copy of a song that comes out.  The music I write is in Finale Print music, with a left and right hand, and most of them have chord symbols.  Thanks!